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CNC Machine Connect Module Achieves New Level of Digital Twin Accuracy

VERICUT module allows users to connect with the CNC machines on their shop floor using Scytec’s DataXchange software. This data can be used to create and maintain more accurate digital twins through VERICUT Machine Configurations (VMCs), as well as confirm that CNC machines and VERICUT simulations match as closely as possible, to eliminate unexpected surprises on the shop floor during machining.

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Free APP Captures and Digitizes Industrial Procedures

Taqtile, Inc. has created an exceptionally efficient, and absolutely free, tool for creating spatially anchored work instructions for use by deskless personnel in industrial and defense organizations – Manifest Maker. powerful new capabilities have been incorporated into Maker, including Artificial Intelligence (AI) to dramatically reduce the effort required to dynamically create step-by-step videos on complex procedures. The new version of Maker supports iPhone, iPad, and Apple Vision Pro.

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