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Holistic Quality Control In Additive Manufacturing Using ZEISS 3D ManuFACT

As always, when a new technology emerges in a market, there are always questions. One of them is quality assurance. Jens Heyder points to a monitor that shows two images taken with the ZEISS Axio Imager light microscope at 50x magnification. On the left you can see a section of a good component. There are no large defects visible, only small pores.

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Advanced Sensor Technology Generates 3D Scatter Plot Driving Autonomous Production Transportation

The driverless platform truck, with its electric drive train, will handle the internal transport of press tools and steel blanks for the press lines autonomously, with a payload of up to 55 tonnes. Using state-of-the-art sensor technology, the transport system navigates accurately and fully autonomously through the production facilities of the Regensburg press plant at a speed of four kilometres per hour – without a driver.

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Detection of Latent Insulation Defects: Key To Guarantee Long Term Traction E-Motor Reliability

The transition underway in the automotive sector, from internal combustion engine to electric powertrain, is producing important changes in the criteria used for quality and process control in the production of electric motors. As electric motors become ubiquitous in automotive applications, ensuring their long-term reliability is paramount.

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