3DViewStation Supports 3D CAD Collaboration With Suppliers
The latest KISTERS 3DViewStation helps manufacturing industry to simplify collaboration with suppliers and reduce costs. For this purpose, the 3D CAD models are made available online and visualized, commented on or discussed in real time. By using the 3DViewStation WebViewer version, the installation of viewing software on the end device and also downloads of 3D CAD data become totally unnecessary , the visualization is extremely fast, secure and traceable.
Typically while collaborating with suppliers, it is now common practice to make data available on data exchange portals. The recipient logs in there and downloads the data. Depending on the file format and complexity of the data provided, the download can take some time. Afterwards, at least a suitable viewer or CAD system is required to view and evaluate the data, note comments and any change requests or create a quotation for production. As the data is now available locally, the providing party no longer has any control over who accesses this data or to whom it may be forwarded.
No 3D Data Transferred To The End Device
“In the simplest case, only a temporary link to the data is sent. The data can be opened, examined and commented on in seconds via the 3DViewStation WebViewer. Annotations can be created in separate views and saved on the server from which they were loaded.” said Craig Impastato, U.S. Sales Director for KISTERS. This makes it possible to track who accessed the data and when, and the data can be updated at any time. “More importantly, no 3D data is now transferred to the end device, the user only has a view of it. This means that your data is secure and you can decide if and when the supplier can actually download the data because they need it for production, for example.” He added.
Of course, the 3DViewStation WebViewer can also be integrated into standard portals, which makes sense for larger projects and more frequent contacts. But here, too, the aim is to avoid file downloads as muchas possible in order to become faster but also more secure and to be able to track access. In this case, Kisters offers VisShare as a simple solution in which users from different companies or departments can collaborate as a team on a project. In just a few simple the steps all pertinent people can access the data belonging to the project.
“In addition to the options described above, Kisters also supports the traditional method of downloading files. The 3DViewStation Desktop version is used here, which, like other desktop viewers, is installed locally.” Impastato explained. It is characterized by short loading times and support for many 3D and 2D file formats. It offers many functions for examining the data and is also easy to use.
In addition, Kisters 3DViewStation can be used not only in collaboration with suppliers, but also in the PLM environment, in product configurators, spare parts catalogs and other after-sales solutions, in the area of predictive and preventive maintenance, archiving solutions and even in the human-machine interface of machines. This very quickly creates synergy effects and competitive advantages.
Known for its modern user-interface, high performance viewing, advanced analysis and integration capabilities into leading systems, 3DViewStation ships with current and mature importers for a broad range of 3D and 2D formats including Catia, NX, Creo, SolidWorks, SolidEdge, Inventor, Revit, JT, 3D-PDF, STEP, DWG, DXF, DWF, MS Office and many more.
For more information: www.3dviewstation.com