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Sandvik Launches Artificial Intelligence Copilot In CAM Software

Sandvik has launch AI in the manufacturing software in alliance with Microsoft. A Manufacturing Copilot will be available when the next versions of the CAD/CAM software Cimatron, GibbsCAM and SigmaNEST are released in September. The Copilot will enable a shift in the user experience with seamless access to knowledge, which is not broadly accessible today, simplifying the user-experience.

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Revolutionizing Visual Quality Control With Advanced Augmented Reality and AI

CDMVision, a trendsetter in Augmented Realtiy and Artificial Intelligence technologies, has announced the launch of SuPAR AI, a state-of-the-art augmented reality visual inspection software designed for widespread use across many different industries. SuPAR AI is set to transform traditional visual quality control processes with its innovative AI-driven modules and AR technology.

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The Transformative Impact of AI on Quality Control

Eleven Dynamics AG, is pioneering the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the realm of quality control. While AI’s application in highly precise dimensional metrology remains nascent, its influence in enhancing visual inspection processes is undeniable. This blog post by Eleven Dynamics explores how AI technologies are not just complementing, but revolutionizing traditional quality control methods, driving efficiencies, and setting new standards in industrial automation and metrology.

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