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CMSC Opens 2023 Call For Papers and Includes Fixed CMM and X-ray Computed Tomography

The Coordinate Metrology Society (CMS) has announced its 2023 Call for Papers for the 38th annual Coordinate Metrology Society Conference (CMSC), July 10 – 14, 2023 in Mobile, AL. The CMS is the eminent membership association for measurement professionals worldwide.

For the first time, at the 2018 CMS conference, the CMS accepted papers and presentation for stationary coordinate measuring systems.  After the success of the 2018 conference, the organization is again opening its Call for Papers to the stationary measurement community, (including CMMs and industrial X-ray computed tomography systems) in addition to its portable measurement society. The CMS encourages abstract submissions that explore diverse applications of 3D metrology to improve processes, productivity, and the user experience. Since 1984, industry leaders have contributed over 500 high-level technical papers and presentations to the CMSC portfolio, the most comprehensive repository of portable metrology knowledge and information.

The Coordinate Metrology Society encourages papers and presentations that cover research and development that’s driving the future of metrology such as the Smart Factory, 3D printing, artificial intelligence (AI), precision assembly, automation and manufacturing cells, and other trends that unlock the potential of 3D metrology technologies. Further the CMS would like to solicit papers and presentations that cover practical applications in 3D Metrology that showcase novel approaches to data collection / analysis and advances the concepts of 3D metrology. Submissions must be original, expert-level contributions from metrology practitioners working in the portable and stationary metrology field or performing research in all areas of 3D Metrology. Technical papers can cover all aspects of metrology competencies gained from research and development, best practices, technology benchmarks, and innovative use cases exploring the adoption or adaption of metrology solutions for problem solving or process control. Commercial content is not accepted by the CMS.

The deadline for abstract submissions for technical papers and presentations is February 24, 2023. The CMS Executive Committee peer reviews each abstract, and if selected, the speaker will receive a Notification of Acceptance on March 24, 2023.The CMSC website has the full schedule of when all submissions are due. As a bonus, conference registration and membership fees are waived for individual speakers presenting at the conference. In the case of multiple authors, the CMS will waive one conference registration and membership fee.

After the conference, the CMS Executive Committee will select the top technical papers presented at CMSC 2023 for publication in the prestigious Journal of the CMSC. The technical journal provides additional coverage of the published work to an even larger global audience. CMS members in good standing can also access the technical papers and presentations via the CMSC website. Authors and researchers are also encouraged to cite CMSC technical papers if referenced in their own technical papers.

The Coordinate Metrology Society dedicates itself to serving the education and career needs of expert and novice metrologists. An impressive array of authoritative white papers and presentations were delivered at its 2022 conference covering topics from x-ray computed tomography, laser scanning systems to laser tracking measuring systems for precision assembly.

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