Waygate Technologies To Presents Best-of-Breed Industrial CT Solutions
Waygate Technologies, a Baker Hughes business and leader in non-destructive testing (NDT) solutions for industrial inspection, will showcase its premium products from the areas industrial radiography (X-ray) and computed tomography (CT) as well as visual inspection (RVI) and ultrasonic testing (UT) at the CONTROL exhibition.
The Waygate Technologies main exhibition focus will be on the microCT system Phoenix V|tome|x M. The industry-leading cabinet system offers high-precision NDT and 3D metrology and analysis with its proprietary magnification and image enhancement technology Scatter|correct.
Next to the V|tome|x M, Waygate Technologies will present state-of-the-art X-ray and CT inspection solutions for the electronics and battery industry, including a new system designed for inline inspection with microCT. It will be demonstrated on site for the first time via advanced augmented reality/mixed reality (AR/MR) technology.
Phoenix V|tome|x M – High throughput CT Scanning Paired With Precise 3D Metrology
Inspection with precision, safety and efficiency is key in the course of automated manufacturing. With Phoenix V|tome|x M Waygate Technologies offers a versatile and highly precise system for industrial CT that stands out due to its capacity for speed and measurement accuracy. The premium microfocus CT system for NDT and 3D metrology and analysis delivers industry-leading magnification at 300kV and high-quality images thanks to Waygate Technology’s Scatter|correct software which automatically removes scatter artifacts at the click of a button. It allows high throughput without compromising on quality, so that companies and laboratories can optimize their processes and reduce inspection times.
Phoenix Nanome|x – Powerful Nanofocus Inspection for Electronics
Another Waygate Technologies highlight to be showcased is Phoenix Nanome|x, a high-performance nanofocus system that is particularly suitable for electronic inspection. It combines high-resolution 2D X-ray technology, PlanarCT and 3D CT in a single system, designed for the inspection of electronic components, such as semiconductors, printed circuit boards and lithium-ion batteries. It provides up to 200 NM detail detectability for brilliant inspection results and allows the inspection of even high absorbing samples.
Phoenix Speed|scan HD – It’s All About Speed Inline
The newest member of the fleet of Waygate CT systems, Phoenix Speed|scan HD is a fully automated high-speed microCT system designed for the inline inspection of e.g. electronics parts like batteries and semiconductors. It features fully automated robot loading of a dual manipulator and double airlock, allowing 24/7 operation, i.e. manufacturers can “scan around the clock” to keep up with production shifts and reach their zero defect target by inspecting up to 100% of production volume.
Booth 3404 Hall 3
For more information: www.waygate-tech.com