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GOM Software Transitions To Zeiss Inspect

With the new release in October 2023, GOM software will be renamed Zeiss Inspect. All existing functions of the GOM software remain intact. Zeiss Inspect becomes the company’s new software platform going forward that will cover all measurement technologies in the future.

In 2019, the ZEISS Group acquired GOM as a company and integrated it into the division ZEISS Industrial Quality Solutions. As a part of ZEISS Industrial Quality Solutions, Carl Zeiss GOM Metrology GmbH has increased its powerful technology and software portfolio in the fields of metrology and quality assurance even more. With release 2023, the integration into ZEISS will also become visible in all software products. The software portfolio is dedicated to make everyday metrological challenges as easy as possible.

The metrology software ZEISS INSPECT becomes the core of the ZEISS Quality Suite. It visualizes quality in a simple way and will provide more and more business flexibility in the future. A key advantage is the technological independence: In the future, ZEISS INSPECT will be compatible with all measuring systems, both devices by ZEISS and by other manufacturers, considerably reducing customer training expenditure.

“Although our metrology software will be renamed, it will still include all the functions of the GOM software and become even more powerful: This year’s development cycle was dedicated to optimizing and amending analysis functions. With Release 2023, new functions will also be added to ZEISS INSPECT” states the company.

“ZEISS INSPECT is the core of our metrology software, complemented by industry-specific variants. These variants are pre-configured and immediately ready for use in the relevant application or task. Consequently, GOM Inspect for inspecting and evaluating 3D measuring data will become ZEISS INSPECT Optical 3D. Our specialist GOM Volume Inspect for analyzing volume data will become ZEISS INSPECT X-Ray. GOM Correlate for analyzing movements and deformations will become ZEISS INSPECT Correlate. For customers from the aerospace industry, all the special evaluation features of GOM Blade Inspect will be available in ZEISS INSPECT Airfoil. 

That much is clear: The common denominator is ZEISS INSPECT – our metrology software that will be available for all technologies and applications in the future.”

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