3D Depth Camera Released For Automation Applications
Nerian Vision has released a new 3D depth camera that combines 3D stereo camera and image processing system in one device. The Nerian Ruby 3D depth camera is one of the most flexible 3D vision solutions, at a very affordable price, and a multi-talent for 3D depth perception.
Machine vision applications are as diverse as the 3D sensor technologies that enable those. Structured light camera systems are a preferred solution when precision is required, but neither high frame rates nor color information are needed. Stereo vision, on the other hand, is the preferred technology when measurements are to be made in daylight and/or over long measurement distances, but it has difficulties with textureless surfaces.
The new Ruby 3D depth camera combines the best features of the aforementioned 3D vision technologies: stereo vision and structured light. The depth camera has three image sensors: two monochrome sensors for depth perception and an additional color sensor. In addition, an infrared pattern projector has been integrated, which improves depth perception but is invisible to the color sensor.
Ruby 3D enables extremely fast & detailed real-time 3D image processing with up to 60 fps, precise 3D measurements on almost any surface due to its integrated patter project with direct transmission of fully computed 3D data via Ethernet, which solves the need for additional processing power on the host computer or GPU.
The advantages of the Nerian Ruby 3D camera compared to similar products include significantly more precise depth information because of up to 1.5 million 3D points/Second, stable 3D measurement during runtime in harsh environments thanks to automatic camera recalibration and IP67 (mid 2023) together with the ability to work indoors and outdoors, without interference with sunlight or other sensor technologies.
Nerian Ruby 3D depth camera is especially designed for static environments or hard and critical real-time applications in dynamic environments for automation applications.
For more information: www.nerian.com