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Visualization of Measurement Results With ECOCKPITS

EPROMI from ISRA Vision reveals links between process parameters and production output. EPROMI brings together data from various systems, analyses, and connects it in an intelligent manner. The software conducts a statistical analysis of the current and historical data available from a range of sources. Visualizing these results enables users to identify and apply successful process parameters providing the potential for improvement and causes of defects to be recognized easily and acted on.

Visualization of Measurement Results

The EPROMI software solution brings together the mostly isolated data from inspection systems and distributed production plants, connects it intelligently, and presents the results in clear ECOCKPITs. Implementing procedures based on the analysis findings can increase the yield of production lines considerably.

ECOCKPITs incorporate ISRA’s 30 years of experience from eight industrial segments to provide answers to fundamental questions for specific users and industries. The ECOCKPITs display the analyzed data in a clear and understandable form. Predefined or individual ECOCKPITs can be used as required. Using predefined ECOCKPITs and preset data connections provides access to the data within just one day. All ECOCKPITs can be viewed via a browser on a PC, tablet or mobile device. Depending on requirements users can select different expansion levels:

Predefined Basic ECOCKPITs: EPROMI offers a large selection of predefined ECOCKPITs. The basic ECOCKPITs are sufficient for many companies as they cover a multitude of requirements.

Advanced ECOCKPITs: Available for companies with greater demands and more complicated needs. This advanced version provides a greater scope of knowledge and process expertise. Users can create their own ECockpits and customize the visualization to suit specific needs and data presentation in a specific format.

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